Few writers have done more to elevate the craft of literary nonfiction in this country than Rosemary Sullivan. Here, finally, are the stories behind the stories that inspired her art, won her acclaim, and cemented her reputation as an icon of Canadian literature. A swashbuckling journey through the life and mind of a writer obsessed with a simple question: "What drives a life?" Her answer: loving obsession.

Andrew Westollauthor of the The Chimps of Fauna Sanctuary: A Canadian Story of Resilience Recovery

Thank goodness for Rosemary Sullivan, a woman who runs towards life with courage and curiosity, recording what she encounters with exstatic artistic attention - a life of journeys that cracked open her self and shaped her into one of Canada's finest writers.

Marilyn Simondsauthor of Woman, Watching: Louise de Kiriline Lawrence and the Songbirds of Pimisi Bay

From Canada to Russia, from Chile to Egypt, Sullivan's inquisitive, intelligent, and compassionate eye explores for us the world of yesterday and also of today. This collection is literary journalism at its very best.

Alberto Manguelauthor of Maimonides: Faith in Reason

In Where the World Was, Rosemary Sullivan investigates our planet with compelling aesthetic, biographical, and political engagement. Her reader cannot help but be both captivated and enthused. A truly engrossing travel experience.

Jane Urquhartauthor of A Number of Things: Stories of Canada Told Through Fifty Objects